Sunday, July 29, 2012

Duct Tape Flower and Purse

So, I've decided that 'Creations' is in the title for a reason. I'm going to try and get a craft posted at least once a week. So (insert drumroll here) this week we have... Duct Tape!

Duct Tape is a super cool thing to work with. If you make something out of duct tape, it is guaranteed to be waterproof, to hold up well and to last. And, as an added benefit, if it ever starts getting worn down, it can literally be fixed with tape, without making it look weird! This week, I saw some pretty awesome pictures on the internet for duct tape rings, but the only places that I could find instructions, they were ones you had to download, or something like that. So... I made up my own. I don't have pictures, except of the final product (I didn't actually think about it until now) but I'll hopefully make another one and have some pictures of the steps later. I also made a purse, with that same thing about pictures. I've got the final product pictures, but that's it. I'll try to be better about that in the future.

So.. the ring:

This Rose Ring is set on a 1/4" band (also of duct tape). In case you're familiar with the method, you make a tiny flower out of duct tape, and then tape it to the band. It's actually really easy, but it's also really time consuming. This one flower took me about an hour to make.

This purse, on the other hand, was relatively fast. If you have scrap material, and want a customized look, any kind of duct tape will do. First, measure (roughly, +- an inch) how big you want your purse to be. Then, cut out a piece of cloth twice the size of that. I actually did three times (lengthwise), and used the extra as a messenger-bag-style flap.

After you have your fabric cut, you tape it to a table or another flat surface (to keep it from moving). Then, add the duct tape in the design that you want. Don't worry about a border just yet.

Once the fabric is covered, fold it, tape-side-out, into the shape that you want your purse to take. This --> is an example of how you fold it. Then, you tape the sides together to form the seams. You tape the edges of each edge, on a fold or not, to prevent fraying or sticky stuff getting everywhere.

After that is accomplished, you make your strap. Straps are as unique as you want to make them. You can cover cloth, fold a single piece of tape, or anything else. Me, I took two pieces of tape and folded them over each other, to make what you see pictured. Needless to say, I had help, due to the length of my strap.

Once you have your strap made, tape it to the outside of your purse, and Wallah, it's done! :)

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