So.. for those of you wondering, this is a 'Steampunk' costume. Imagine Victorian Era tech- steam and clockwork powered, and then take that futuristic, except that steam and clockwork remained as the main types of power throughout. I made my tailcoat there, and the cummerbund, and, what I'm most proud of, I made all of my props. That gun? Made it myself- hand carved and hand-stained. I made the goggles and watch myself, too, and the holster for the gun. Unfortunately, they're all props- neither the gun nor the watch actually works, and the goggles you can't see out of.. but you wouldn't have know that if I hadn't told you, now would you? I'm going to make another pair of goggles sometime soon.. ones that I can actually use, should I want to!
Needless to say, I'm super proud of myself for this- second in the county isn't what I'd wanted, but better than I'd feared, especially considering that this was my first time ever doing a 4H project! I've decided that the only reason I got second, not first, is because (you can't see it in these pictures) the back of the tailcoat has a bit of a bulge where I put in the actual tails... I didn't find out about it until actual judging, so... anyway.. Any questions or comments, feel free to go ahead and comment!
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