Saturday, May 24, 2014

Shark Tooth Wrap Bracelet

 I really like how this turned out. I recently came by a windfall of shark teeth thanks to one of my best friends, and so I needed to come up with a craft to make with them. There are surprisingly few ideas of shark tooth crafts besides necklaces. Luckily, I found a rather nice inspiration on Pinterest of this bracelet, except that it was decorated with beads rather than shark teeth.
I started out with about 4 feet of baling twine. Though a strange choice, baling twine is actually really nice. I also had some jewelry wire and shark teeth. Also, I ended up using a pen.
 The post that I drew inspiration from originally called for two pieces of pipe, which I don't have. To improvise, I decided to make gold springs by wrapping my wire around the inside of a pen
One of the nice things about this bracelet is that you don't have to worry about how long of a string  you've got, and also that you can use pretty much any kind of string you want. For this step, measure the length of your wrist, then fold the excess back and forth. Make sure you've got at least two inches of slack at each end, then thread the two spring/pipes randomly onto the bracelet.
 Now grab it like so
 Wrap the ends in wire, like so, to keep it in place.
 Next, wrap wire into jump rings around each end
 Then wrap the ends with that extra string that you left off earlier.
 Attach a clasp to the jump rings (or make on, as I did)
 Essentially, a clasp is just a ring and a fancy S-shaped bit. That's about as detailed as I can get, but there we go. If it works, it works.
 Now for the fun part: attaching shark teeth  (or beads, if you don't have teeth on hand) If you're using beads, attach each one to an eye pin, then attach it to the bracelet.
 Otherwise, wrap each tooth with wire, then attach it. This process takes a lot less wire than you might initially think- just experiment a bit, but each tooth for me generally only took one wire on each side of the main part, as pictured. A quick google search should elaborate more clearly what I mean.
 The trick to this is to make it look random, and to attach each tooth (or bead) to at least 3 or 4 strings.
And there we have it! Your very own shark tooth wrap bracelet!

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