For those of you who don't immediately recognize this awesome pillow of epicness, here is the reference:

I laid out a few of my pieces of scrap cloth, and found these two almost-symmetric pieces that were rather nicely sized/shaped for a suit, so I used them.
I pretty much just shopped those pieces off, then folded the edges over after cutting a suit shape out of them. And then, of course, came pins.
(insert gasp here)
Yes, I know that I don't use them very often, but in this context they were necessary, as the cloth for the suit was somewhat thick and rather stiff.
This is a close-up on how I did the suit shape. I very seriously just folded it over and nocked the top like so.
And repeat for the second side.
I then cut out a rectangle that would fit underneath both sides completely.
At this point, I realized that I should have done that in the first place, as I had to unpin and repin the lapels, but there we go.
Next, I cut out a piece of red cloth for the tie.
Again with the pinning.
I then cut out the hair, and.. you guessed it! I pinned it in place. Pins on hair not featured, but they were there at one point.
Then with the eyes. I liked how this looked, but it didn't seem distinctly doctor-ish yet. I fix that later.
I then sewed everything on. Order: white rectangle (again with the unpinning...), blue rectangles, red tie, hair, eyes.
The only part I folded over to hem was the top of the blue parts, white part and tie. The lapels, hair, tie edges and eyes were all left as they were, so after a few washed, this doctor will probably turn into the raggedy doctor, but who uses a pillow as cute as this for anything that would get it dirty enough to really need to wash?
...on second thought, don't answer that...
I then sewed it together. This pillow's hair was considerably shorter on the edges than my last one, so stuffing it was somewhat more difficult.
It looked cute when I was done, but partially due to the aforementioned small hole, this pillow required quite a bit more beating at to get the stuffing even.
On the upside, the smaller hole presents less opportunity for me to make an eyesore.
Also a plus, my stitching on this one looked much neater than the last one.
Please, also take time to note that unfinished, unsurged flippy of hair. Remember what I said about not hemming.
And tadaa! One pillow done. I thought he should look more doctor-ish, though, so I deccided to grab some inspiration from the aforementioned Etsy-shop-owner, and made some 3D glasses.
Unlike hers, though, mine are removable, and wrap around the pillow, allowing them to seem somewhat more glasses-like. I took extra cloth from the lapels, and extra cloth from the tie, sewed them on a strip of white cloth, then notched out holes around the nose area. This one I did hem, but I realized afterwards that I should have done this first, as I almost ran out of room, and once again my colors were unhemmed.
Example of how extremely glasses-like these 3D glasses are.
And voila! Your very own 10th Doctor Chibi pilow!
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